AGM at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall
Come and join the Friends Group at our AGM. We will choose a new committee and talk about our hopes for future developments and events in the Park. You can download the Agenda for the AGM .
Lunch at the Park
Despite it being a grey, and slightly drizzly, day there were quite a number of us who gathered last Sunday, 5th July, to picnic and chat. Amy had organised face painting, which went well, and the Northenden Civic Society and the Allotment Society set their stalls out. We all enjoyed ourselves.
New notice boards
If you have been to the Park recently you will have seen the new notcie board. There is also one located on the shopping parade on Palatine Road. Everyone hopes that these will help us all to be aware of the many groups and activities which go on in Northenden.
Northenden Civic Society website!
The Northenden Civic Society has caught up with new technology and, before Christmas, launched its long awaited and attractive looking website!
This should help the Society to keep all of us informed about its activities and other matters of local interest. They still don’t seem interested, however, in using the local physical noticeboards to let locals and others know of its existence and activities and meetings! Whilst the site is still gradually developing content and news, there is already useful and interesting information on it.
The Society has started to post its minutes on the website, though I gather that it decided at a recent meeting to not continue doing this – a shame, but then we in the Friends of the Riverside Park Group made a s similar decision.
New play areas at the park!
In the last few weeks (as of March 2011!) users of the park will have seen a rearrangement of large stones into a clambering area for children, and a wooden train engine has been placed in the main play area. Both of these have become a great attraction for younger children as these photos show!

The arranged boulders and users! Engine and driver!
Gradually we hope, with the support of the council, to continue to improve our park!
Environment Agency Site and River Levels
The Environment Agency some months ago started to show river level data on their website so that one can now see the level at the weir in Northenden without leaving home!.
The heron sculpture

The sculpture is now a year old, and it is still an imposing and attractive feature of the park.